Paper bags are popularly used in industries including: Advertising, Food service, Grocery, Pharmacy, Retails, etc. As professional paper bag manufacturer, our shopping bags can be seen in restaurants, malls and retail stores everywhere. Custom designs and sizes are everyday requests, and our complete art department can even assist you with your own custom graphics.





Our shopping bags are completely customizable such as size, serrated-, slit- or folded-tops, tissue and bottom board inserts, spot varnish, and two-sided printing as examples. All sizes are available with paper twist, ribbon or macram¨¦ handles in a wide variety of standard and custom papers and colors. Papers: Kraft, White, Claycoat, Recycled (Tinted and custom paper available)


Serrated Top

  • Most common style of shopping bag
  • Has a serrated top where the bag machine has separated one bag from another
  • Common complementary handles: paper twist and plastic tube

Folded Top

  • Unique and aesthetically pleasing
  • Two types: Ultra and Slit Top
  • With a 1/2" top fold, the Ultra has a smooth-look top -- the top is folded by hand and the handle/patch is attached by hand also, just below the 1/2" top fold edge
  • With a hand-folded, 2-1/4" top fold, the Slit Top has handles that are inserted through slits 3/8" from the top fold line -- because the length of the top fold covers the handle patch, the Slit Top looks sleek
  • The inside folded top area on both bags offers "Turn Top Text" marketing potential: Store names, thank-you messages, website addresses, and telephone numbers are just a few of the possibilities
  • Common complementary handles: paper twist, plastic tube, and fabric cord


  • Available in serrated or folded top
  • If serrated top, bags are packaged for shipment directly off of the bag machine
  • If folded top, bags are moved to assembly, where the tops are folded by hand
  • Handle area is cut on the bag machine and supported by a clear plastic patch
  • Offered in limited sizes


  • With a hand-folded, 1-1/2" top fold, the Macram¨¦ shopping bag also includes a hand-inserted cardboard reinforcement strip measuring 1-1/2" x bag width
  • Handle holes are punched in the top fold (2 -1/2" to 4-1/2" apart, depending on bag size)
  • Handle material is pre-cut to 15-1/4"-- the pre-cut material is fed through the holes and hand-tied with knots on all ends and the four knots on the inside of the bag
  • "Turn Top Text" is available with this style- please note that care must be taken when preparing text/art so as not to interfere with the hole-punch areas of the bag.

Knotless Macram¨¦

  • Knotless Macram¨¦ bags use soft, flexible handles without punching holes and knotting material -- instead, the handle material is affixed directly to the handle patch, which is then applied to the bag
  • With no handle holes, the bag face is graphically uncompromised
  • Three styles: Knotless Macram¨¦ Slit Top, Knotless Macram¨¦ Ultra, and Knotless Macram¨¦ Custom
  • The ultimate in Knotless Macram¨¦, the Slit Top features a 1-5/8" folded top, which covers the inside patch and accommodates top fold graphics -- for the patch and handle assembly, material is fed through a slit at the top fold edge and the patch then is glued in place under the top fold
  • The Knotless Macram¨¦ Ultra is a value-added style that incorporates a 1/2" folded top for a smooth, finished look-- the patch and handle assembly is applied just below the inside edge of the top fold
  • The most economical in Knotless Macram¨¦, the Custom is a serrated top bag transformed into a more upscale option with a rope/macram¨¦ handle -- the patch and handle assembly is applied just below the top cut-off






We've got Kraft Bags and White Bags.
We have Gloss Bags, Tint Bags, Groove Bags and bags with both Tints and Grooves.
We have Oatmeal Bags and bags with Twisted Paper Handles and bags with Flat Paper Handles.
We've got Notion Bags and Merchandise Bags for you folks that don't want handles.

It's not just bags, we have everything you need.

Flat handle kraft
Flat handle white
Merchandise bags
Merchandisebags white
Shopping Bags ¨C Gingham
Shopping Bags - Gloss Colors
Shopping Bags - Gloss White
Shopping Bags - Groove Colors
Shopping Bags - Groove Kraft
Shopping Bags - Kraft
Shopping Bags ¨C Oatmeal
Shopping Bags - Tints
Shopping Bags - White Kraft







No matter the style, the perfect bag always starts with the perfect paper. Our wide variety of paper types lets you customize your bag to fit your needs. And, since all of our papers can be printed with your unique design, your bag is guaranteed to be the picture of perfection!


Natural Brown Kraft
Natural Brown Kraft is a brown, uncoated, rough-surfaced paper. Printed ink colors may be impacted.

  • Standard/stock basis weight is 60# to 70# 100gsm 120gsm
  • High ink absorption in paper surface
  • Fine details in printed images may be lost
  • All uncoated papers yield loss of ink color vibrancy -- as a result, a PMS "C" (coated) may be selected for a desired color match versus PMS "U" (uncoated), yielding a brighter/cleaner color target


Bleached White Kraft
Bleached White Kraft is a white, uncoated paper with a slightly smoother surface than our Natural Brown Kraft. Bleached White Kraft will not impact printed ink colors.

  • Standard/stock basis weight is 60# to 70# 100gsm 120gsm
  • High ink absorption in paper surface
  • Fine details in printed images may be lost
  • All uncoated papers yield loss of ink color vibrancy -- as a result, a PMS "C" (coated) may be selected for a desired color match versus PMS "U" (uncoated), yielding a brighter/cleaner color target


Oatmeal is a tan, uncoated paper with a moderately smooth surface. Printed ink colors may be impacted.

  • Standard/stock basis weight (special order)
  • Moderate ink absorption in paper surface
  • Fine details in printed images may be lost (although not as much as with Brown and White Kraft)
  • All uncoated papers yield loss of ink color vibrancy -- as a result, a PMS "C" (coated) may be selected for a desired color match versus PMS "U" (uncoated), yielding a brighter/cleaner color target


Flipside is a smooth, uncoated paper made from linerboard that is white on one side and tan on the other. It has a heavy, sturdy feel. Printed ink colors on the tan side may be impacted.

  • Standard/stock basis weight
  • Fine details in printed images may be lost
  • All uncoated papers yield loss of ink color vibrancy -- as a result, a PMS "C" (coated) may be selected for a desired color match versus PMS "U" (uncoated), yielding a brighter/cleaner color target


Duro Exclusive Tints
Duro Exclusive Tints are either Natural Brown or Bleached White Kraft papers that have been colored with tinted ink prior to printing. Depending on the tint color and paper type, printed ink colors may be impacted.

  • Standard/stock basis weights are
  • Printing characteristics slightly improve after tint ink color is applied
  • This is a value-added option alternative to high minimum beater dyed papers


White Claycoat
White Claycoat is a white, coated paper. The clay coating yields bright, vibrant colors and prevents ink absorption, maintaining fine details.

  • Standard/stock basis weight


Synthetic paper is made from rich mineral materials that yield superior strength and a smooth, satin look and feel. In addition, synthetic paper is inherently waterproof. An outstanding printing surface, synthetic paper also affords no "cracking" on printed fold edges.

  • Basis weights
  • Offered in a wide variety of bag styles and sizes
  • Inside/outside printing





UGI has wide selection of handle style lets you dress up your bag. With a tremendous variety of materials and colors to choose from, you can create the unique look and feel that you want-from classic to contemporary. Our handles will make getting hold of your bags easy.

Paper Twisted


Paper Twisted handles start from rolls of approximately 4"-wide flat paper and are twisted into a diameter of approximately 1/8". The handle is secured with a paper patch.

  • Available in a wide range of popular colors, including natural brown and bleached white Kraft
  • Custom colors available (minimum order quantity of 100M bags)
  • Available with serrated top and folded top bags




Macram¨¦ handles can be made from a variety of materials ranging from nylon woven cord to 1"-wide cotton twill tape. Handles are either threaded through hand-punched holes and knotted or are inserted into a patch that is then applied to the bag.

  • Available in a wide range of popular colors, including black and white
  • Custom colors available (contact your customer care representative for minimum bag quantity)
  • Available with four-knot macram¨¦ and knotless macram¨¦ style bags




Die-cut handles are C-shaped holes cut into the top of your bag and supported with clear plastic patches.

  • Color dependent on bag's paper type
  • Available with serrated top and folded top bags






These varnishes and laminations will leave your bag with a beautiful, classy finish, as well as protect your custom design. Whatever your preference-from high gloss to satin-our wide selection of varnishes and laminations will make your bag stand out in a crowd.

Ultra Violet (UV) Varnish is an extremely high gloss varnish that rivals lamination without an extra step in the process.

  • Can be applied while printing
  • Available on all substrates
  • Primers are necessary for uncoated papers
  • Can be 100% overprint or a design spot print
  • Can be applied only in preprint


High Gloss (Hi-glo) Varnish is a high gloss varnish that is overprinted on claycoat paper.

  • Can be preprinted or tailprinted


Matte Varnish is a satin finish varnish that is overprinted (mostly on claycoat paper) to mask the inherent gloss characteristics of the inks.

  • Can be printed on both claycoat and uncoated paper
  • Can be preprinted or tailprinted


Standard Overprint Varnish provides color enhancement and depth of color and is used mainly when ink rub protection is needed.

  • Overprinted on uncoated paper stocks (Kraft, White, Flipside, and Oatmeal)
  • Improves metallic ink brightness and printability
  • Can be preprinted or tailprinted


Mirage Varnish is a tinted varnish, generally light gray, used to print a vertical mirage stripe pattern. These stripes create the illusion of an embossed pattern.

  • Can be preprinted or tailprinted


White Tinted Varnish is printed in many different patterns and graphic themes. It typically overprints other colors in order to simulate screens/tone-on-tone effects.

  • Can intersect with white reverse in artwork without the need for mortise


Conventional Laminating is a process whereby the inks are printed on the paper stock (normally claycoat) and laminated to clear, unprinted lamination material (gloss or matte). Reverse Print Laminating is a process in which the inks are printed on what will become the underside of the lamination material and then laminated to an unprinted, uncoated paper stock. This is typically limited to solid ink coverages/logos, etc.

Gloss Lamination

  • Extremely high gloss lamination
  • Can be applied to all standard substrates


Matte Lamination

  • Satin finish lamination
  • Can be applied to all standard substrates






We are the manufacturers and distributors of a broad range of paper bags. We always struggle to meet and exceed your expectations; so we are always looking for new and innovative ways to offer an excellent level of service. Whether you need a single paper bags or a bulk quantity, we can offer you a solution. We pride ourselves on the quality and cost effective product and service we provide. The needs of our customers are always paramount at UGI.


Any queries regarding our products or services, feel free to contact us at + (86) 135 333 11702 or email us at [email protected] to get immediate assistance from our Customer Support Team.